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A. Introduction
Please read this agreement carefully. By using the application and/or accessing the site and using the services provided by, you are deemed to have read, known, and agreed to be bound by all the terms and conditions in this Agreement, knowingly and without coercion. If you do not accept and agree to this agreement, You are not permitted to further access the site and are welcome to leave the site.

B. Intellectual Property Rights
The site, name, icon, and logo, including but not limited to products, graphics, user interface, sound clips, content, scripts, and software used to operate this site, are our property and are protected by law. – Copyright Law and other applicable laws and regulations in the field of intellectual property rights. You are strictly prohibited from using, changing, or installing the brands on the site.

C. General Provisions
You are not allowed to:

  1. Using the site for unlawful activities, violating the rights of third parties, or which is contrary to applicable norms or rules;
  2. Providing information and content that is false, inaccurate, misleading, disturbing to our site users or customers, or that is defamatory, immoral, contains pornography, is discriminatory or racist, threatens, offends, or prevents other people from using the site.
  3. Providing names or account information on the site to other parties without our knowledge, or collecting or using information from other users without the knowledge of other visitors.
  4. Taking actions that may disrupt the system or hinder the operation of the site
  5. Spreading viruses or all other similar technologies that can damage and/or harm the site.
  6. Store, copy, change, or distribute the content and features of the site, including service methods, content, copyright, and intellectual property contained on the site.
  7. Reformat any part of the web pages that are part of the site.
  8. Using the site to damage the security of another computer or network or engage in illegal behavior.
  9. Creating accounts with automated tools or fake identities.
  10. Taking any action that imposes or is based on our logical opinion will result in a heavy or unreasonable burden (data) on our infrastructure.
  11. Using the site that is not in accordance with our terms and conditions.
  12. Attempting to commit any of the above acts or engaging in or allowing others to commit any of the above acts.

We have the right to limit or not provide access, or provide different access to open the site and its features, or change one of the features or include new features without prior notification for any reason, and you hereby agree to release us from any form of liability if you are unable to use the site (whether due to interference, restricted access, changes to features, exclusion of certain features, or other reasons); or if communications or transmissions are delayed, fail, or cannot take place; or if losses arise (directly or indirectly) due to the use or inability to use the site or one of the features therein.

D. Membership
The site is not available to users under 18 years of age. You are only allowed to have one active account. Violation of these terms will result in account termination. By using the site, you acknowledge that you are of legal age to form a binding agreement and are not a person prohibited from receiving services under the laws of Indonesia or other applicable jurisdictions.

You agree to provide true and accurate information about yourself when requested by the site, If you provide information that is untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete, then we have the right to suspend or terminate your account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your account and password, and you are fully responsible for all activities in the name of your account.
We have the full right to limit, block, or terminate service from an account and take any legal action or steps if we consider that you have violated applicable law, violated intellectual property rights, or violated other terms and conditions.
You are also not permitted to transfer your account to another party in any way without our knowledge and written consent. If you violate these provisions, all consequences and risks are entirely your own responsibility when transferring your account.

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