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Step into a Salsation class and
experience the fusion of dance and fitness

Spice up
your fitness

Salsation is dance-based workout combines functional training with Latin rhythms for a fun and effective way to improve your fitness. Salsation focuses on musicality, lyrical expression, and functional training to ensure a balanced workout that’s enjoyable and effective. Suitable for all fitness levels, our Salsation classes will have you moving, sweating, and smiling.



Step into a Salsation class and
experience the fusion of dance and fitness

Spice up your fitness routine!

Salsation is dance-based workout combines functional training with Latin rhythms for a fun and effective way to improve your fitness. Salsation focuses on musicality, lyrical expression, and functional training to ensure a balanced workout that’s enjoyable and effective. Suitable for all fitness levels, our Salsation classes will have you moving, sweating, and smiling.

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